Feeling Good

Dear Beauties,

Recently, I’ve been feeling lethargic, bloated and extremely unhealthy. After four years of crazy University hall life with unearthly hours and high levels of stress, it’s been extremely difficult for me to switch out all the bad habits that I’ve accumulated. I’ve told myself time and time again that I will start my diet and healthy lifestyle soon, but that day keeps coming and lingering for awhile, before I find myself stuck in my bad habits again. As such, I decided to put my foot down, tell myself no more excuses, and really start a lifestyle change. What spurred this resolution were my constant unbearable migraines and the weight that I seem to be putting on. After stopping dance for a few months, my body no longer feels good, it aches all the time for no apparent reason, and I haven’t been able to get a good night’s sleep in a long time.

Finally, enough is enough. I want to add this section into my blog, not only as a record to help myself remember and keep myself motivated, but also to hopefully help anyone out there like me, who finds it hard to switch to that healthy lifestyle we all crave for.

I have watched many videos and read many articles about how people turned towards a healthier lifestyle and I do admire them, but it is so difficult to bring myself to change the lifestyle I am comfortable with. While other people’s stories inspire me, they don’t help me along the way to spur me on to continue this difficult change. Many say “Oh, just hang in there, soon it will be easy!” Well, easier said than done. Hence I would like to document my own switch to a healthier lifestyle, the steps I take to become healthier (recipes, lifestyle changes, exercise, etc), as well as record all those times when I know I will definitely be tempted to backslide.

Honestly, I am wary of this journey as I absolutely LOVE food. Hawker food in Singapore is to die for! I was brought up eating lots of rice and I love sauces and curries along with rice. Now, I will have to learn to take them in moderation and replace unhealthy food cravings with healthier ones. As wary as I am, I am also excited, and I hope that this will enable me to feel better about myself, feel energized, and productive.

This journey is not all about weight loss. While that is definitely of importance to me, I want my body to not only look good, but to feel healthier. Diets that I took before were too extreme and difficult to maintain, always ending with me backsliding into my old ways. At the end of the day, I want the weight loss to be a product of a healthier lifestyle, a bonus that comes along with it.

That being said, wellbeing is not all about the body, it is also about the mind and the soul. Food, exercise and pampering spa treatments are all part of feeling good and living well. Changing one’s mindset can do wonders to your overall happiness and outlook on life. I personally feel that self-help books such as ‘Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff’, ‘The Happiness Project’ and ‘The Magic’ are fantastic ways to make you realize things that we actually already know, but have yet to internalize and apply to our lives. I would love to share with you all my insights and realizations from such books as well. I do love books, they enable me to escape and indulge in fantasy worlds to relax my mind away from the fast-paced world we live in.

I hope you join me on this journey of my own self discovery and ‘challenge’, and share with me your feelings, tips and advice along the way =)



What do you think? love, Sianne